We have quite a line up for the next Members’ Meeting on the 24th May, 9.30-1.00. We will hear from Chris Jones HMI Ofsted’s Specialist Apprenticeship Adviser on the inspectorate’s latest data and feedback from inspections of apprenticeship providers; Tom Glover from SRF Consultancy who will share the generic outcomes of their work preparing and supporting providers through apprenticeship funding rules compliance audits and the ESFA will be updating us on the latest news and are keen to know from members what they would like them to cover at the meeting – what an opportunity! So please let us know via paulmitchell@sctp.org.uk.
The Members Meeting will be followed by another ESFA session – this time a focussed session from the Service Engagement Team on the workings of and plans for, the Apprenticeship Service. This will take place from 1.45-3.15. This is a free session (unless you are a no show on the day!). More information on the Members’ Meeting and Apprenticeship Service sessions will be issued shortly but you can pre-book for the Members’ Meeting here and/or the Apprenticeship Service session here.