Debbie Leach and Joanne Lupton from Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service attended the SCTP Pre-employment group meeting this week to inform members about the changes ahead in the commissioning of education and training in prisons. Through their Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS), this is an opportunity for local or third sector suppliers to get involved in the market delivering prison education as well as the larger providers. A supplier leaflet giving more information is here.
There is a Stakeholder event being held on Monday 2 July for the Kent, Surrey and Sussex area covering the 10 prisons that sit in Lot 8 for the new Prison education framework for potential providers. This will give the prisons the opportunity to discuss opportunities for the future and for you to learn about the DPS and how it will work in the future. The programme for the day is here. The event will be held at the Rochester Conference Centre, 09.30 – 13.00. Please let know if you are interested in attending. If you are unable to attend the event, follow the link in the supplier leaflet to ensure you are registered correctly.