SCTP is pleased to welcome Lewes Training as the latest new full member of SCTP. Lewes Training are a ‘supporting provider’ on RoATP currently delivering Functional Skills in English, Maths and ICT to Level 2 and ESOL. They are looking to expand in those areas and offer support for Apprenticeships up to level 3 in Business Admin, Customer Services and Accountancy. They are an approved City & Guilds centre and the principal partners have teaching experience spanning some four decades. Lewes Training is also an approved JAUPT (Joint Approvals Unit for Periodic Training) centre offering Driver CPC (Certificate of Professional Competence) modules including First Aid training and can provide support for level 2 Apprenticeships in the Passenger Transport and Haulage sectors. Their ethos is to provide learning free, wherever possible, as they use IT to administer their courses including web tutorials and seminars to keep overheads to a minimum. We look forward to welcoming Co-Principals Carol and Mike Leslie-Johnson to a members’ meeting soon.