East Sussex County Council has published its participation data for January 2018. It shows that all key targets have been met including participation at academic age 16 at 95.6% and at age 17, 88.3%.
Caroline McKiddie, Participation Manager at ESCC commented on the latest figures saying ‘Although we have met our targets, which is great news and we thank you all for your support in helping secure these outcomes for young people!…..We have sadly seen a significant decline (as predicted) in those entering apprenticeships as a result of the apprenticeships reforms (and a slight increase in those entering employment without training – hence not meeting RPA duty). This is echoed regionally and nationally and we will continue to work with partners across East Sussex to lobby for change, as well trying to find local solutions to help ensure that our young people, training providers and local employers can still access, deliver and benefit from apprenticeships’.