East Sussex Apprentice Ambassador Training

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This initiative run by SCTP for East Sussex County Council, trains apprentices to act as ambassadors in promoting apprenticeships at school and career events. Now’s the time for providers to nominate their apprentices to benefit from this developmental opportunity and give your own organisation an increased profile while promoting apprenticeships. Training and any attendance at AiS events will contribute to the 20% off-the-job training rule for all new starts and provide apprentices with valuable skills which will be useful in the workplace and on their CV. To nominate your apprentices just send their name, framework/standard, email address and employer details to Mel Butcher by 5pm on Friday 22nd September 2017. All nominated apprentices need to be working in East Sussex.

Next Ambassador training date: Tuesday 26th September 2017, 10am – 1pmat Sussex Downs College, Eastbourne Campus.