This Local Skills dashboard supports local skills planning and delivery by providing up-to-date information and published data on local skills, education and employment. Data is provided at bespoke geographies (including local skills improvement plan (LSIP) areas) in an easy-to-navigate format alongside links to additional resources and data downloads.
The dashboard contains:
- an overview of labour market and skills data for selected geographic locations, such as LSIP area, local enterprise partnership (LEP) and mayoral combined authority (MCA)
- a searchable map where you can find leading indicators on local economy and skills, including employment, jobs, businesses, skills and destinations over time
- additional breakdowns such as local authority, occupation, learner age and provision type
- links to additional local data sources and tools including the Office for National Statistics (ONS) subnational indicators explorer, higher education data sources and job quality indicators
- bespoke download of dashboard data to enable further analysis and sharing
Click here for the Local Skills dashboard.