Chance to Comment on 2018-19 Apprenticeship Funding Rules

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The ESFA are issuing these 2018-19 funding rules as an initial version to give providers and others the opportunity to give feedback on how they can be made clearer and be better understood. These documents set out the funding rules for employers, employer-providers and training providers. The funding rules cover the period August 2018 to July 2019 and apply to all apprenticeship programmes starting on or after 1 August 2018. Among the changes, there has been clarification around the off-the-job rule that states providers should now “deduct statutory leave when calculating the 20% off-the-job requirement for apprentices starting after 1st August 2018”. Click here to view the summary of changes. Please email any suggestions to by Monday, 2 July. Following a review of any feedback, the ESFA will then issue a final version of the rules in July to reflect any areas of clarification.