Review your Hours for 16-19 Qualifications and Non-Qualifications Delivery Before Submitting your R09 Individualised Learner Record Data Return

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The Education Skills and Funding Agency (ESFA) has identified 2 specific areas where numerous providers have data errors. To reduce your errors, and the chance of being selected for audit, use the post-16 monitoring reports dashboard to review the following reports:

  • FRM43 – 16 to 19 study programme students on qualifications with no planned learning hours (PLH)
  • FRM56 – 16 to 19 study programmes with PLH but no regulated qualifications

You must ensure your PLH and employment, enrichment and pastoral hours accurately reflect the qualifications and non-qualifications activity being delivered in the current academic year. The PLH field must reflect the total planned timetabled hours spent on Department for Education (DfE) approved qualifications only. You must record PLH for these qualifications on the individualised learner record (ILR). You need to return a value of zero PLH if the learner is participating solely in employability, enrichment, and pastoral activities during the year, and is not enrolled on a 16 to 19 study programme including qualifications. Do not record a value above zero in the PLH field for non-qualifications.