SCTP’s November Members’ Meeting was held at Haywards Heath Town Hall yesterday with 45 people present. Members were updated about current SCTP project work and an update from the latest SCTP Board meetings. Our new Executive Director, Vanessa Potter, outlined the new SCTP Business Plan for 2018 -2021, which will be available on the SCTP website very shortly.
Members heard presentations James Maltby from Plumpton College about the Outstanding Teaching & Learning Project they are running, from Sally Power from BIIAB, about the differences in delivering apprenticeship standards and some lessons learned from the transitions from delivering frameworks. Members also heard from Ben Payne, from the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), giving an update on the changes within the ESFA and also on the latest news with regard to funding policy.
Members had the chance to network and discuss issues around the apprenticeship levy, end point assessment, learner recruitment and retention. Minutes will be issued to members shortly, the presentations from the meeting can be found on the resources page of the SCTP website.
The next Members’ Meeting is at Clair Hall in Haywards Heath on Thursday 24 January, 10.00-13.00, preceded by the SCTP AGM for full members from 09.30 – 10.00.