Ofsted’s New Education Inspection Framework Published

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Ofsted’s education inspection framework sets out how Ofsted will inspect state schools, further education and skills providers, non-association independent schools and registered early years settings in England. It details Ofsted’s inspection principles and the main judgements that inspectors make. This framework applies from September 2019. Alongside the new inspection framework is a new version of inspecting safeguarding guidance. They have also published the FE and skills inspection handbook for Ofsted inspectors for use from September. The response to the recent consultation, along with their inspection methodology can be seen here. FE Week have reviewed some of the outcomes of Ofsted’s new framework and what it means for FE providers here.

A reminder that Dr Richard Beynon, Ofsted Specialist Advisor, FE and Skills, will be speaking at the SCTP members’ conference on Thursday 23 May about the implications of this new Ofsted inspection framework. Registration for the conference is here.