New Developments for T Levels Announced

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The government announced today the next seven T Level programmes to be taught from 2021. The subjects are health, healthcare science, science, onsite construction, building services engineering, digital support and services and digital business services. They also revealed that T Levels will be allocated UCAS tariff points, with each programme carrying the same UCAS points as three A Levels. These announcements can be seen in their updated T Level Action Plan 2018.

The Education Secretary, Damian Hinds, is also announcing plans to develop higher technical qualifications at levels 4 and 5  and there will be a consultation launched early next year on these qualifications, with a planned start date of 2022.

And finally on T Levels, the DfE published its commissioned research into the industry placement pilot programme highlighting a number of issues, many perhaps expected, including the need for better pre-planning and preparation, better matching, more flexibility and the time and cost of effective brokerage.